Thursday 13 September 2012

44Con Burp Plugin Workshop Slides and Code available

44Con 2012 has been and gone and attendees seem to agree it was a huge success. I was proud to present my Burp Plugin Development for Java n00bs workshop at the event and on the whole I think it went well.

The demo gods weren't smiling on me which meant there was less audience participation than I had envisaged but in the end we ran over our two hour slot by fifteen minutes with just me talking and working through the demos so it was probably just as well!

I've published the slides on Google Presentations. Most of the content was me talking so make sure you check out the speaker notes as much of the detail is there and I've also included links to the code which is also available on our Github page.

The slides are at and the code is available at

If you want to play along at home you will also need to set up an IIS Application Server and install the WCF service from the RepeatAfterMe folder. This also requires the NOEMAX WCF-Xtensions .NET assemblies available from

You will need to edit the app.config file in the RepeatAfterMeClient to point to the correct location for your IIS server. Change the following section:

            <endpoint address="" binding="extensionBinding" bindingConfiguration="BasicHttpBindingExtended" contract="IRepeaterService" name="BasicHttpBinding_IRepeaterService"/>

If you have any questions regarding all of this, feel free to shoot me a message on Twitter.

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